Environmental justice = social justice = environmental justice
Hoe strategieën rond milieurechtvaardigheid kunnen wortelen in dekolonisatie & sociale rechtvaardigheid
Tijdens de debatreeks Toestanden gaan we in gesprek met boeiende gasten over zaken die ons ‘s nachts wakker houden. Elke online editie wordt gemodereerd door de gastdramaturg Kopano Maroga. Vergezel ons tijdens deze eerste Toestanden van 2021, waarbij we samen kijken naar strategieën voor een grotere milieurechtvaardigheid. Strategieën die zijn geworteld in dekolonisatie en sociale rechtvaardigheid. We gaan daarover in gesprek met o.a. kunstenaars Maria Lucia Cruz Correia en Amanda Piña.
“Climate change is racist because the system that caused it is racist. No, rainstorms don’t care about skin colour, but worsening weather worldwide aggravates the divisions in society that already exist because it hits people of colour living in poverty the hardest. Simply put: the reason the world hasn’t been fighting climate change as hard as it should is because powerful people don’t want to stop exploiting people of colour. The urgency of climate change is also an urgency for racial justice.” Eric Holthaus, ‘The climate crisis is racist. The answer is anti-racism’
Climate change is racist because the system that caused it is racist. No, rainstorms don’t care about skin colour, but worsening weather worldwide aggravates the divisions in society that already exist because it hits people of colour living in poverty the hardest. Simply put: the reason the world hasn’t been fighting climate change as hard as it should is because powerful people don’t want to stop exploiting people of colour. The urgency of climate change is also an urgency for racial justice.
Eric Holthaus, The climate crisis is racist. The answer is anti-racism
Join us for the first edition of Toestanden of 2021 where we will look at environmental justice strategies rooted in decolonization and social justice through a conversation between artists Grace Ndritu, Maria Lucia Cruz Correia, and Amanda Piña.
Het gesprek op dinsdag 2 februari gaat in het Nederlands door.